sorry english but this german post
Hallo again comrades. as i say in last post for those of you who read me, i make some posts german some english language to cater for audience readers of both languages. today has movie cars. english may have seen it anyway. this movie surprise germans that they not changed the name in translation, for english say ;cars', german speak 'auto'. those german welcome to my web log, come back in future to come.
Nach Die Monster AG, Findet Nemo und Die Unglaublichen startet im H dreht sich um

hi boron
nice blog i see it's got spamed already, you can get blockers put on i think. thats life on the internet i guess. let me know when you in Kenson again and we'll meet up.
you need to pack abit more about your life into the posts, thats what blogs are for not to reveiw movies!
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