today i have new energy for blog from reading peoples comments, and make me think, hmmm . boron, perhaps you not put enough effort inot your blogging. as carris has started more frequent again. and pics is the new thing. if you put a pic on your blog it's ALOT more exciting. so i guess i better find a pic so that i can talk about it. excuse me whilst i do this.
there. as many of you can already tell this photo is Elvis Presley, king of rock and roll. i don't think so you say? it's a lookalike model? wrong. it is him. Elvis presley joined the army before he was mega famous and he was posted for some time during his career to germany US marine base : Ray Barracks in Friedberg, Germany. he stayed not very long, but performed his music for the other soldiers entertainment, and then later on when he left the army and became i big hit in the world music, they named the building behind Elvis in the photo: Sgt. Elvis A. Presley 'Memorial' Mess Hall. this was after he died/ disappeared or whatever. i don't really know much Elvis we was abit before my time. but i do enjoy classics like hound dog, blue suede shoes, jailhouse rock. so there you have it. geremany likes to say we helped Elvis be so great.
enjoy your time all of you, hear you post comment soon.
hey boron!
That was a really good post. i liked the photo. I didn't know that about elvis, that he was in the army. Thanks for the information!
good to hear from you!
hi everyone.
hi boron.
i knew elvis was in the army. he did a few war movies in the 60's too.
did you know he was in 33 movies. wow thats alot.
Boron, you sexy beast. Blog something!
boron, i think its time for another blog entry....
Hallo Boron,
Ich wollte gerade sagen, daß gestern Abend erstaunlich war. Du bist der beste Geliebte, den ich überhaupt gehabt habe. Gespräch zu dir bald.
jolanka, just english mostly on blog now. not enough german readers now. english everyone understand. but thankyou yes, i had a good time. i'll cya again soon. ring me.
oh hi to janelle and carris too.
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