
is another in the life of boron. welcome to my life. pretty boring isn't it. maybe i should look on internet shopping to see if i can trade my for someone else. i'm sure theres a rich guy with a cosy job, pretty wife and fast car who want swap with me to work in car factory with hands all day. here my friends is pic of my car. yes i know. smashed up. thats why learn from me boys don't loan car to your sister. although really it wasn't her fault-it was accidental these things happen. she not have the money to pay for damage, and she feel aweful she let me use her car at times i need it. maybe it get back on the road one day, its not as bad as it looks, the chassis is not twisted any so all cosm

but my old car VW sportscar, good for the weekends, and sister car is a work car. she is flower delivery girl so she has a VW utility with soft pod on back for transporting flower arrangments. so car no good for weekends understand? can be frustrating, but at least it move me from point A across to point B. is also impotant for me to be good brother and not make my sister feel bad about the crash as she is sensitive. well thats about all from me, i'm a healthy man this week thankyou. i hope you too are heathy. please feel you are free to leave any comments you please. boron
accidents are what makes life exciting. it keeps us on our toes. you never know whats around the corner. to boron's sister -don't feel bad, we're all been there, and you grow wiser through the experience.
ahhhh boron...
you are the funny little flower man now yes!
i hope your sister wans't hurt in that accident. Looks pretty bad.
how are you going today boron?
hi ppl
the same things happened to me before, but it was my dad driving my car, he crashed it it was totalled. so he bought me another car, luckily he was a wealthy man.
i don't think your sis coulda escaped unhurt she must have hit her head or something. hope she was wearing a seatbelt. LOL
lol? whats with the lol?
brian dc
i don't know who you are, you are allowed your own say, but i ask, if you are going to comment on my blog, then you have some respect for my family members and friends. as it happens my sister was not hurt in the accident, but she was very shaken.
hi carris i'm good. thankyou all for your comments.
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