The Boron Mobile

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Texas Rindfleischburger

HALLO all.

here we are again at boron mobile. i have a treat for you. the other day i had a burger as pictured here. it's a little blurry, i can't figure out the settings yet to get it to full quality. but i not read manual because men do not read manuals. anyway is called Texas Beef Burger (Texas Rindfleischburger) and the owner claim is biggest burger in germany. i not so sure. it was pretty big filling as a whole meal, because meat so thick, but i think maybe i seen bigger before. oh delicious though! and good excuse for me to use new camera!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 -kühler Internet-Aufstellungsort

Lieber Fußball-Freund,

nicht nur die WM zeigt, dass Fußball als Sport die Menschen begeistert! Das Spiel mit dem Ball ist weit verbreitet. In Deutschland gibt es unzählige Berichterstattungen über Begegnungen, Turniere, Länderspiele oder die Bundesliga. Wenn im Stadion der Ball rollt, entflammen hitzige Diskussionen über die Spieler, die Tore, oder die Schiedsrichter-Entscheidungen. Fußball (engl. football) ist eine Sportart, über die es Vieles zu berichten gibt. Bis wir genügend Input für diese Seite haben, bieten wir Ihnen hier ein spannendes Kicker-Spiel!

don't call boron moron.

today is wednesday.
i noticed i not post since last saturday. i always find i lose track of time during the start of the week just after the weekend. anyway heres the new one for all of you. update of my life: my next door neighbor borrowed my latest metal cd, and lost it. which means now i have to either chase him for money or replace it myself. hey says just download the music tracks from world wide websites to my pc, but i say no. is illegal. harsh penaltys. on sunday i was chatting to my friend krissy at a cafe we meet for lunch. lasagne yum yum. i mentioned blogging, and was about to tell her i had a blog when she cuts in and says "yeah i heard about those. what kinda moron would write about their life for the world to see?" she look at my expression and go "OH! i see. the boron moron!" i wasn't impressed but she knows that makes me edgy so she pushed those buttons you see. she's known me through skool and knows me history of bullying. i'll explain. (for those with langauge barrier, moron- means idiot.) when in elementry school as child, i grow up with bullys call me moron all the time. i used to hear "boron the moron' and 'boring boron'. but i put up with it. then i got to junior high school, and the teasing mostly stop. and i thought that was great. just a kid thing. then senior high- some guy goes "HAY MOOOOORRRRROOOOONNNN!!!!!!!!!! " I walk up to him "yeah?' i say and WHAM!! punch him in the mouth. he not bother me anymore after that. but the gangs of the school heard i was not take moron anymore and they try their luck. so lot of fights i was in, most outnumbered and lost. but at least i feel good for standing up for me for once.
okay is late now, damn rotation shift work! until next time: Boron.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

hallo all!

i am writing from a friends house in rocky mountains. i was hoping to get some snowboarding done, but there is not enough snow. still plenty to make snow fight balls. unfortunate i forget camera this weekend, would have been nice to take many snapshots of the view. i tell funny story, i was at the lookout platform, over look what is known as 'grosser Esel Felsen', which is a big rock in the centre of mountain view. i was by the edge with one time use camera i buy for weekend, and my friend Bergen pretend to wrestle me over edge of railing like in movie. and down down fall the camera. assume smashed on rocks. not very happy about that. so no snapshots to show. just glad that it wasn't my new camera!


Thursday, September 21, 2006

my latest from i

hallo all

sorry it's been a while since my last post, i've been flat out with work. things are hectic at the plant, they're trying to refurbish and keep production going at the same time. many disruptions.
big hallo to be said to carris. thanks for your comment, that was great. it's good to have two bloggers in communique. i'm sure i'll hear more from you in the future. tell you friends about my blog, and i'll tell mine about yours. see you later now.

news to me. i learn some internet launguage:
LOL= laughing out loud
BRBS= be right back soon
TBM= the boron mobile. lol

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Guten tag
is oktoberfest time. for the readers over seas who not know is a festival held in munich for purpose of eating drinking and having great time. it really is a great time for the country to unite and try to make the cleaning up as hard as possible. this years dates are: sept 16-oct 3.
yes i know, tourists ask the same questions, why isn't it called september festival? when it's mostly is sept. i not sure, maybe historical reason. anyway, i not go this year as i have work i must go to. i'm not that keen on it, so i happy to work as many use the holidays they have for festival, but i been a few times. i pick this picture out man in strange jester type outfit because my father used to waer similair, when he used to go when i was a child. he still enjoy festival although he a liitle too old i think. enjoy your day, maybe you could have your own festival?

Saturday, September 16, 2006

new camera

My new second handed camera has been arrived today; 14MP SLR. I will looking forward to the new better quality photos that I will be taking now.

Meine neue zweite Handkamera kam heute an. Auf Wiedersehen ist Geldhallo Qualität als diese 14MP. Einige gute Fotos werden am Festival des Bieres genommen.

Monday, September 11, 2006

fairwell schumi!

sad today as because Michael 'schumi' Schumacher announces retirement from because formular one, after the grand prix win.
good luck on championship.

Schumi macht Feierabend und wird seinen Rücktritt von der Formel 1 bekanntgeben. Dann dauert´s nicht lange, bis man auch keine Formel1-Rennen mehr sieht. Das Ferrari-Team hatte in der vergangenen Woche angekündigt, dass es erst nach dem Grand Prix in Monza per Pressemitteilung seine Fahrerbesetzung für 2007 mitteilt. Sollte Schumacher in Monza unter die ersten Drei kommen, wird er seinen Entschluss schon in der offiziellen Siegerpressekonferenz verkünden.

Friday, September 08, 2006

sorry english but this german post

Hallo again comrades. as i say in last post for those of you who read me, i make some posts german some english language to cater for audience readers of both languages. today has movie cars. english may have seen it anyway. this movie surprise germans that they not changed the name in translation, for english say ;cars', german speak 'auto'. those german welcome to my web log, come back in future to come.

Nach Die Monster AG, Findet Nemo und Die Unglaublichen startet im H dreht sich um Lightning Merbst CARS durch. AllescQueen, ein Teufelskerl von Rennwagen, der davon träumt, der jüngste Champion des Piston Cups, des größten Rennens überhaupt, zu werden. Schon fast am Ziel verschlägt es ihn unerwartet in das Wüstennest Radiator Springs. Hier begegnet er anderen Vierrädern, die nichts mit den Turboflitzern seiner Welt zu tun haben. Ein Haufen schräger Blechkisten, die Lightning etwas Einzigartiges mit auf den Weg geben: Die Überholspur zu nehmen ist nicht das Wichtigste im Leben...

aha so you can get photo onto the blog site.

Good afternoon world! i'm finally getting this blog together. this is me at a festival i was going to one weekend. i was one the telephone and my friend who is abit crazy sometimes goes 'BORON!' and i look and he takes picture. luckily he gave me a copy later on. not bad pic i think. all women what you think i am handsome man no? this car black next to me is audi. for those not know audi is car company i work for. i think it is audi A3 not sure, can tell from picture and didn't pay attention at the time. i wish i could say the car is mine, but no. i wish audi would let me taken company car home with me at night, but only those with shiny shoes and tie get to do that, not boots and coveralls like me. my hands would get the car dirty anyhow. but oneday maybe.
Boron goodnight to all.

Good Evening Comrades

good evening all.

my name is boron and i am new to all this posting blog sort of thing. it's very exciting to me to have my own blog, i've been wanting one for sometime now, but didn't think i could afford the time to do it. this is a very short post just to say hallo to you all, but i endevour to get posting real soon! in the future, i will do blogging in both langauge english german, as i have friends in germany where i live who speak only german, and others around the world where i have travelled and met good friends who only speak english. or at least it's the only laguage that we speak in common. so to get around this i will be posting in both english and german. so if your german and your reading something that you cannot understand. than you must be reading an English POST!!! HA haha. is funny you see. anyway i must go now, i still need to adjust the blog settings somehow, i don't really know what i'm doing. i'll figure it out i suppose.

auf veederson.